Change level: your teacher must have confirmed that your level does not match that of his/her class. Submit your request to your teacher.

  • Change teacher: the Director of Studies will assign you another teacher. Please write an email at pedagogie@campuslangues.com. 
  • Change times: on condition that a course matching your level is available. This request should be submitted online: Mon Campus

You'll need to supply us with a medical certificate that you are unable to attend the classes and the period of absence will then be deferred.

You can request to postpone your course with the Liberty option. You will pay €20 per week deferred.

You can take these 2 weeks between 2 periods of paid teaching, we ask you to keep studying during your holidays in order to keep the same level as your group. If the difference of level between you and the group is too high, you might be placed in another group that better matches your level.